With extensive experience in antitrust in major cases before European and French jurisdictions, ALFA Partners helps stakeholders achieve the actual aim of antitrust remedies: to foster competition on the markets.
ALFA Partners seeks the fair implementation of the conditions and obligations imposed on companies by authorities.
Where business sense is key to ensure that the interested of the different stakeholders are aligned, ALFA Partners provides leading and actionable advice.
With more and more regulations, applying to all aspects of a company’s activities, it is paramount to grasp the full picture to properly steer the business.
Through the experience of its founder, both as an antitrust lawyer and a monitoring trustee, ALFA Partners is a key partner to provide accurate, leading and actionable advice.
ALFA Partners can involve its network of selected experts to provide tailored advice.
Compliance and ESG have long entered the corporate vocabulary.
What they mean in practice is a very different story.
ALFA Partners helps you define, measure and report meaningful KPIs, so that compliance and ESG are more than empty words.
As an outside advisor, ALFA Partners helps bring substance and credibility to sustainability efforts.
ALFA Partners has experience acting as independent third party or arbitrator to:
settle commercial disputes,
ensure the fair and balanced implementation of cooperation agreements
act as independent board member or censor
ALFA Partners has selected like-minded companies to serve as core experts. Each bring onboard their unique expertise and approach, for the benefit of overal effectiveness of our advice.
Within the context of mandates as Monitoring Trustee from different competition authorities worldwide, or through independent expert missions, the founder of ALFA Partners was retained by over 30 companies:
6 rue d’Armaillé
75017 Paris
+33 (0)1 83 64 40 59
CGV - Mentions légales
(c) ALFA Partners 2023